
Friday, May 8, 2009

Mesothelioma Minnesota

When the Iron Range miner's group was compared with the cancer registry it showed that there were 58 confirmed cases of malignant mesothelioma cancer which is almost always fatal. Since mesothelioma does not show any symptoms for a long time, cases could be due to asbestos exposure that happened many, many years in the past.

The high rate of this cancer among Iron Range miners was discovered when the Minnesota Department of Health spokesman did a study that was then matched against the Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System which is the state’s cancer registry database. The symptoms of mesothelioma cancer can be confused with other things in the early stages. But if the patient has worked with or around asbestos or a dusty environment they should be checked for mesothelioma.

Natural Strategies For Defeating Lung Cancer

If you or a loved one is battling Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, please know you’re not alone. Thousands of people have fought this fight before you and won. This page focuses on Non Small Cell lung Cancer. If you have a Small Cell lung Cancer, please click here. All these winners have something in common, they refused to stop searching for options—additional weapons to give them an edge over their Lung Cancer. They didn’t settle for using only the weapons their doctors gave them because they discovered…

There are options beyond what your doctor may be prescribing
as a treatment plan.

These are natural combinations of herbs, vitamins, antioxidants and more that strike down cancer cells, stop them from replicating, detoxify your body, and strengthen your immune system so you can heal completely and permanently. These strategies work in harmony with whatever treatment your doctor has discussed with you, including chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. You will find the traditional treatments work better and with fewer side effects when you combine the natural formulations described here.

I strongly recommend you read the free report and get the complete e-book 11 Natural Therapies To Conquer Your Cancer. Readers describe this report as the best information they have found on cancer, what causes it, and how to beat it. We hear people say things like …

Thank you for gathering all the bits and pieces of information found all over the internet and bringing them together in a single easy-to-read report. I’ve been researching cancer treatments for some time, and your report covered some things I’ve never heard of. Your report is so readable, even for someone with no medical background.

An easier way to research natural non-small cell lung cancer treatments

I have heard from some readers that the entire report can be overwhelming. In my efforts to include absolutely every option I could find, I admit I may have done too much of a good thing. But I simply couldn’t exclude any single product when it could make the difference for even one reader. You may be surprised to learn how many different ways there are to fight cancer. But I strongly believe a multi-angled approach gives you the best chance of success.

There are so many ways to fight cancer, and so many good products, it may be difficult to know where to start and what to get. To make things easier, I have designed introductory pages for each type of cancer. This particular page provides a summary of products useful for fighting Lung Cancer, specifically the more common non-small cell lung cancers which include Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, and Large Cell Carcinoma.

In the product descriptions below, I have attempted to estimate the dosage, number of products, and amount of time it is likely to take to eliminate the cancer. Unfortunately, it is only natural when you read testimonies about how someone took just one product and got over a cancer in two months, or some similar “miracle story,” to think that's all you have to do. Please understand, while this does happen, it is not likely to happen. Using just one or two products instead of a full regime greatly reduces the likelihood of success.

The recommended quantities will almost always be higher when dealing with an advanced cancer. You simply need to use higher amounts and multiple products to have a reasonable shot at survival because there are so many issues that must be dealt with.

This is not to say that you should give up and not try anything if you can only afford one or two products. People do get over tough cancers using just one or two formulations. However, the odds are lower.

Below you’ll find the products from the 11 Strategies report that a person with non-small cell lung Cancer should most closely consider. They are listed in order of importance, with the most important at the top of the list. Remember, the more angles you attack from, the better your chances of winning the battle.

How long will it take? That depends on how aggressive you are in your treatment choices. It’s impossible to say for certain how any individual will respond, but here are some estimates:

Recommendations For Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer:


The top 3 products

The top 9 products

The top 14 products


13 months

9 months

5 months

Once the Cancer is clear, to make sure your body recovers completely, cut the amounts used and the number of products by a third, and use them for 6 months. After 6 months reduce the amounts taken by another third and take for another 6 months.

Recommendations For Advanced Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer:


The top 4 products

The top 11 products

All of the products


13 months

9 months

7 months

Once the Cancer is gone, to make sure your body recovers completely, cut the number of products and their dosage by a third, and use them for 6 months. After 6 months, reduce the number of products used and their dosages, this time by half, and take them for another 6 months.

Treatment protocols for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

These are the products you may want to pay the most attention to when reading the report. They work together synergistically so while some of the products mentioned towards the bottom of the list will not be as powerful cancer fighters as some of the products you will read about in the report, they work best with the products in the list.

How to read the recommendations below: The numbers before the product name are the number of bottles to consume in one month. The first number is for an early stage Lung Cancer, the second for an advanced stage Lung Cancer. If just one number is given, that is the number of bottles to use per month no matter the stage.

2 to 3 bottles CANcore-1 - The trace minerals in CANcore-1 are produced in such a way so as to penetrate chaotic cells (such as cancer) and disrupt them quickly, causing a breakdown of cancer cells and subsequently killing them. CANcore-1 is new, developed by a lab that has been creating state of the art, high-tech mineral supplements for years.

1 bottle CANcore-2 Minerals - It has been discovered that many people are deficient in manganese and cobalt, minerals needed in the body to create the proper chemical reaction with CANcore-1. If we put the minerals directly into the CANcore-1, the chemical reaction takes place in the bottle and not in the body, so have included them separately in this important combo.

3 to 6 bottles of Zeolite Enhanced-Now with DHQ - enables the zeolite molecules to work more effectively and enhance their absorption into and killing ability of unwanted cells. DHQ (Dihydroquercetin) is a variant of the bioflavonoid quercetin and is derived from the Siberian larch. Bioflavonoids are helper molecules which assist vitamins in their functions.

1 to 2 bottles Quantum X - Energy healing is age old in many cultures from around the world and has been achieved with various modalities.

What brings about dramatic healing with all of these energy healing modalities is the transfer of subtle energy to the cells that is guided by vibration. Vibration encodes how energy is used by the cells.Quantum X satisfies the ancient model of healing based on subtle vibration and energy to discharge patterns of disease. When this takes place the cells release their toxins and establish a new pattern of repair to bring about a healthy state on every level physical, mental and emotional.

1 to 2 bottles CANcore-4 - This herbal-based product is a potent blood purifier, used to help eradicate tumors and get rid of highly toxic, dead cancer cells. It has been proven effective for combating Leukemia, assists the bowel in working more smoothly, and works as a potent free-radical scavenger, even cleaning muscles and bone.

2 to 3 bottles Fulvitea - A Green Tea blend with White Fulvic Acid for intensifying the metabolism of protiens, NutraFlora to assist in the absorbtion of minerals, Alterra to support nutraceutical utilization and Pascalite, a rare non-swelling clay providing trace minerals in oxide form.

1 to 3 bottles of Zormus - Homeopathic Beryllium. Helps reduce pain, inflammmation, fatigue, and can reduce tumor size.

1 to 2 bottles Healthy Body 1, 2, or 3 - The main ingredient in Healthy Body is a plant sterol. It is the plants signal molecule for rebuilding and repairing its cells as well as protein synthesis. When it comes to cancer, Healthy Body helps by stimulating the bodies immune response. Also, it helps to ‘normalize’ cancer cells so that they can then die a normal cell death (apotosis). There are 3 formulas to choose from. Healthy Body-1 (HB1) is for Men while HB2 is for Women who have NO monthly cycles any longer, and HB3 is for Women who are still having monthly cycles.

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