
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mesothelioma Treatment

Treatment options for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and a combination of these methods. The treatment recommended by the healthcare provider will depend on factors such as the stage of the cancer, the type of cancer cells, and the person's general health. Treatment for mesothelioma generally begins a few weeks after diagnosis, so there often is time to get a second opinion

Treating Mesothelioma: An Overview

There are several different mesothelioma treatment options available for someone diagnosed with the disease.
Some factors that may influence the treatment options recommended include:
  • The stage of the cancer (see Mesothelioma Stages)
  • The type of cancer cells (how they look under a microscope)
  • The person's age and general health
  • Whether the mesothelioma is newly diagnosed or has come back (recurred).
In general, treatment options for mesothelioma include:
Your doctor can describe your treatment choices and the expected results of each. The two of you can work together to develop a treatment plan that meets your medical needs and personal values. Choosing the most appropriate treatment is a decision that ideally involves the patient, family, and healthcare team.
Mesothelioma treatment generally begins within a few weeks after the diagnosis. There will be time for people to talk with their healthcare provider about treatment choices, get a second opinion, and learn more about the disease.
(Mesothelioma Treatment Continued: Page 2)



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